Facial Rollers are not a new beauty tool, crystal-based rollers like the jade roller and rose quartz roller are skin-care tools said to be used in ancient skin-care rituals,
but over the past couple of years
they've become something of a "must have" beauty aid.
I've sat on the fence with buying into this trend of the moment, as I'm
really not sure if it's a beauty "fad" or a "friend".
Whilst both rollers do a similar job, the rose quartz appealed to me more,
firstly because its pink, secondly it stays cooler longer and thirdly rose quartz is a
heavier stone and these differences clinched it for me.
Rose Quartz is known for its skin nourishing properties and “love” energy.
Regular use of a rose quartz roller supports lymphatic drainage to reduce the
appearance of puffiness and wrinkles, as it cools and soothes your skin.
For extra cooling and soothing place the roller in the refrigerator.
The stone is naturally cold, but this extra temperature drop will support circulation and natural collagen production, drain congested lymph nodes, rid the body of toxins, and help with sinus issues.
With age I have noticed that my face has become more puffy, especially under the
eye area and above the cheek bones, where I tend to get those pockets of fluid,
which are very noticeable when I smile and I simply don't like it.
With my daily rolling routine I've been focusing on using the smaller roller
to massage and drain that bothersome area and I can happily report that I have
noticed a difference, so for that improvement alone, its been worth the purchase.
Have I noticed any other improvements?
not really, but I do look forward to taking a daily 2-5 mins to massage my face
and neck and I find the coolness incredibly soothing and relaxing.
I don't find it a chore at all and I think that's where the success of any beauty gadget
lies, you have to enjoy the process to keep the momentum going and the benefits
will follow.
I do have a backstory to this purchase, as it wasn't planned.The main reason
for not buying a rose quartz roller earlier was my uncertainty about the
quality of the actual rose quartz, as the market is flooded with a variety
of qualities and prices, so it has never made it onto me beauty "wishlist".
Lets fast forward to early February 2020 and standing in the aisle of doom in
Sephora Dubai, clutching at my purchases as I never take a basket
it's just too tempting, I spotted Sephora's own brand Rose Quartz Roller.
Curiosity got the better of me and after feeling the quality and more importantly
the weight I decided it was now or never, so in my arms it also went.
I didn't look at the price, big mistake, so when I got to the checkout I was slightly
taken aback with the final rand price of R560 once converted from 140 Dirhams.
(May 2020 it equates to R668)
However the price faded into insignificance after a couple of uses, as the roller
is a quality well made weighty product, with no squeaking of the well balanced
smooth rollers.
How To Use:
Use the larger end of the massager for bigger areas of the face such as the cheeks and forehead.
Use the smaller end for more delicate areas of the face such as under the eyes,
Use the smaller end for more delicate areas of the face such as under the eyes,
between brows, and on nose.
After cleansing and toning, you can apply your normal serum, creams etc.,as this
will help the Facial Roller glide across the skin with ease, but I actually found my roller
to glide beautifully on occasion over a dry skin, but the roller will help products to absorb better, therefore increasing the products benefits.
I leave my roller on my dressing table, as the success of any beauty aid, I believe is
to keep it in sight, rather than tucked away in a drawer or cupboard.
I generally zip over my face in the morning and again in the evening
and very occasionally during the day if I've no make-up on and it takes me
a couple of minutes and then I'm done, but you can spend longer.
Below is the natural way that I tend to roll, but as long as you remember to roll
upwards and outwards, you can't go wrong.
Begin rolling by starting at the center of the face, under the eyes and cheekbones,
moving out toward the hairline in short, gentle strokes.
Move down to the jawbone, still working in short strokes, starting at the chin, and
Move down to the jawbone, still working in short strokes, starting at the chin, and
moving out toward the bottom of the ears.
Next, roll above the eyebrows and forehead in an out and up motion.
Use the smaller roller around the eyes and take extra care in this area.
To end, very gently roll down the sides of the neck and then toward the center of
Next, roll above the eyebrows and forehead in an out and up motion.
Use the smaller roller around the eyes and take extra care in this area.
To end, very gently roll down the sides of the neck and then toward the center of
the clavicle.
Are the crystal rollers/massagers a beauty "fad" or a "friend" and we will see thousands
of rollers condemned to the crystal roller graveyard in a few years time?
Well I think that's entirely up to each individual, but for now I'm happy to spend
2-5 mins of indulgent daily self care....
Let me know in the comments below if you have a Jade or Rose Quartz roller
and if it's still in use or has it sadly been decommissioned.
N/A in SA